Friday 3 July 2015

Nigeria struck by new wave of Boko Haram atrocities.

Nigeria soldiers

Boko Haram fighters have waged new attacks on
a series of towns and villages, killing at least 160
Early on Friday morning, at least 11 men were
dragged from their homes in the village of Miringa
by Boko Haram and shot for escaping forced
conscription by their group, residents said.
In another set of attacks earlier on Thursday, two
girls wrapped with explosives blew themselves up
at a crowded market and a military checkpoint in
Malari, outside Maiduguri, killing at least 13
The violence on Thursday and Friday morning
came just hours after Boko Haram fighters
murdered around 145 worshippers in the town of
Kukawa, just as they were preparing to open their
Reacting to the series of attacks in the
northeastern states, President Buhari said the
violence highlighted the need "to form a more
effective international coalition against insurgency
and terrorism in Nigeria and neighbouring
Residents described how the fighters entered the
homes and executed the men in Miringa.
Baballe Mohammed, a resident in the village, said
the gunmen came to the village around 1.30am
on Friday morning. They "picked 13 men from
selected homes and took them to the Eid prayer
ground outside the village where they opened fire
on them," he said, adding two managed to
"The victims were well targeted because they
were all residents of Gwargware village... who
fled to Miringa some months ago to escape
forced conscription by Boko Haram."
The spike in violence has sparked concern that
earlier victories claimed by the armies of Nigeria,
Niger, Chad and Cameroon in the region are being
eroded [Reuters]
Al Jazeera's Yvonne Ndege, reporting from Abuja,
said Boko Haram had embarked on a "really
bloody 72 hours in Borno State", and the worst of
the attacks had taken place in Kukawa, 180km
northeast of Maiduguri, the biggest city in
northeast Nigeria.
The spate of attacks follow a directive from the
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group
for fighters to increase attacks during Ramadan.
Boko Haram this year became ISIL's West African

The Nigerian group, whose birthplace is
Maiduguri, often defiles mosques where it
believes imams espouse too moderate a form of
An estimated 13,000 people killed in the 6-year-
old insurgency.
Amnesty International puts the toll at 17,000
dead. Another 1.5 million people have been driven
from their homes. 

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