Thursday 14 May 2015

Career Advice: Five career mistakes you should definitely try to avoid

Holding a stable job today does not mean
that tomorrow might bring waves of change and leave your career path in a mess. That is why
career management is essential for even the most
sought-after professionals.
Here are some of the most common career advice
that most people get wrong:
Don’t stop networking : While you may be
comfortable and satisfied in your job now, that is
never an excuse to stop networking with various
areas of interest in case you need to start looking
elsewhere for income or job satisfaction.
Show off your accomplishments : Don’t let hard
work, diligence and accomplishments go
unnoticed in your company.
Know your worth: If you are worthy of getting a
raise », ask for one. Don’t slink behind the bosses
and avoid asking the raise question. Hard work
should be rewarded duly
Know your boundaries : Establish work and
personal boundaries with your manager. Don’t
over share your personal issues at work and risk
letting your manager make decisions about you
based on your life outside the work space.
Be positive : Even if you are unhappy in your work
space, don’t vent or complain about it around
your bosses and colleagues. Creating a negative
space in your work area can be detrimental to
your value as well as the company’s.

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